I was born and raised in Utah. I studied graphic design for four years at USU. I love the outdoors, live concerts, and animated films. All true facts about me, but they’re honestly pretty boring.

So, what about the facts about me that aren’t boring? Well, I spent 22 years of my life believing narwhals were fictional creatures. Such a strange creature couldn’t possibly be real, right? I physically can’t go cross-eyed. No, I don’t just need someone to show me how. I just can’t. I think sushi is nasty. Once, a friend and I used a tampon and flint and steel to start a fire on the beach. I’ve never seen The Godfather, eaten a Toblerone, or been to Canada. My cousin and I once played through all 48 maps of Mario Kart 8 on the Nintendo Switch in one night. It was a close game but I pulled ahead in the end.

Now, in case you are still reading to learn about my graphic design work, here’s some facts about that. I LOVE using color. With every color imaginable at the tips of my fingers, why shouldn’t I use it as much as possible? My happy place is designing posters, but I also have a lot of fun designing editorial spreads. I am a big fan of checkerboards and messing around with pixelization. I just think squares are cool. I really like making collages of different textures and patterns. I also love illustration. My favorite typeface at the moment is Lorimer No 2. I’ve learned how to build a brand from the ground up, how to design book covers, what makes a unique website, and how to talk about social causes through design. In short; I’m a visual communications specialist. In even shorter, I’m a graphic designer.

Not had enough of me yet? Download my digital portfolio.